Wednesday, December 24, 2008

New career power leveling high salary

According to Xinhua News Agency, recently, a large number of migrant workers work in Harbin, a number of places to recruit migrant workers, "power leveling game" of this career are part of migrant workers of all ages. "Recruitment of Warcraft代练, and wages of 800 yuan, including room and board,"power leveling member recruitment notices hanging quietly into place to recruit migrant workers. According to Harbin, a migrant workers employment agencies Mr.Wang introduced since the second half of 2005, Harbin's network industries, especially the "game power leveling " of the job gradually heat up, many migrant workers stem from the "game power leveling Rapporteur ", the side to play while making a profit, but there should be some computer knowledge to the young, quick, there are certain physical requirements. Job • remind Shenzhen vigilance "to recruit high-paying" hidden fraud Job trick local black variety, in addition t cheat, there are units also use the "recruitment" free publicity to do the trick Mar newspaper Shenzhen, Shenzhen, a "hand-washing ashore," done "black Job" those who said yesterday that to Shenzhen Job seekers must guard against fraud, especially the so-called "high-paying recruitment", but also to be careful. Roadside advertisements not to the letter The condition of anonymity, said that first came to Shenzhen so eager job-seekers are often vulnerable to deception, so the best job-seekers to the formal intermediaries. Not to agency documents missing, or else pay a fee, the other on , complaints could not find it. "Do not believe in particular roadside recruitment information (advertising); not to eat strangers provided drinks, food, not to use mobile phones to others." Manager recruit staff is a hoax How to identify fake recruitment? The source said that in fact very simple: once the recruitment of all those hundreds of people, jobs, general manager of the shop from the front line operators running, almost all deceptive; Where recruitment Contact vague, only have contact phone number, without intermediary Address (or even the names of the organizations are vague) is also a liar; recruitment unit and the introduction of more refined, and the recruiters are very rare, and often deceptive, it is propaganda and recruitment unit. "In particular, attention should be paid to the training of the so-called style of recruitment, had only 6 strokes of individuals, but after the interview has left more than 40 individuals, and a week-long unpaid training, which is virtually a recruitment to the employing units ads. Training After the unit to find an excuse to put people off. "

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