Wednesday, December 24, 2008

New career power leveling high salary

According to Xinhua News Agency, recently, a large number of migrant workers work in Harbin, a number of places to recruit migrant workers, "power leveling game" of this career are part of migrant workers of all ages. "Recruitment of Warcraft代练, and wages of 800 yuan, including room and board,"power leveling member recruitment notices hanging quietly into place to recruit migrant workers. According to Harbin, a migrant workers employment agencies Mr.Wang introduced since the second half of 2005, Harbin's network industries, especially the "game power leveling " of the job gradually heat up, many migrant workers stem from the "game power leveling Rapporteur ", the side to play while making a profit, but there should be some computer knowledge to the young, quick, there are certain physical requirements. Job • remind Shenzhen vigilance "to recruit high-paying" hidden fraud Job trick local black variety, in addition t cheat, there are units also use the "recruitment" free publicity to do the trick Mar newspaper Shenzhen, Shenzhen, a "hand-washing ashore," done "black Job" those who said yesterday that to Shenzhen Job seekers must guard against fraud, especially the so-called "high-paying recruitment", but also to be careful. Roadside advertisements not to the letter The condition of anonymity, said that first came to Shenzhen so eager job-seekers are often vulnerable to deception, so the best job-seekers to the formal intermediaries. Not to agency documents missing, or else pay a fee, the other on , complaints could not find it. "Do not believe in particular roadside recruitment information (advertising); not to eat strangers provided drinks, food, not to use mobile phones to others." Manager recruit staff is a hoax How to identify fake recruitment? The source said that in fact very simple: once the recruitment of all those hundreds of people, jobs, general manager of the shop from the front line operators running, almost all deceptive; Where recruitment Contact vague, only have contact phone number, without intermediary Address (or even the names of the organizations are vague) is also a liar; recruitment unit and the introduction of more refined, and the recruiters are very rare, and often deceptive, it is propaganda and recruitment unit. "In particular, attention should be paid to the training of the so-called style of recruitment, had only 6 strokes of individuals, but after the interview has left more than 40 individuals, and a week-long unpaid training, which is virtually a recruitment to the employing units ads. Training After the unit to find an excuse to put people off. "

power leveling company new economy was born

power leveling Company:the "new economy" The emergence of economic groups is a product of socialization, any ideas and can not be no reason to force the disappearance of the development of anything is bound to have their reasons, power leveling market, totally because of the international gap between rich and poor and labor values the different caused by Recently, the reporter interviewed a number of power leveling company, the company's operations power leveling an initial understanding of the situation. Tongzhou District, near the three Housing region a unit buildings, more than 50 square meters of apartment neatly placed in more than a dozen computers, each sitting in front of the computer have a staff member in power leveling here person in charge told the reporter that they were mainly carried out "World of Warcraft" and power leveling business, the way there is money to fight the sale. The responsible person surnamed Zhou, who told reporters he was not the boss here, but due to seniority, so send in this studio to do people in charge of their company similar to the studio a total of five, two in Tongzhou, the two in Wudaokou, as well as a headquarters in Shunyi. Each studio has 10-20 career power leveling , busy time of the provisional find some amateur power leveling . The reporter saw in the studio division of power leveling very clear, there is honor on behalf of brush, there are specialized to fight money, there are dedicated to business contacts. Mr. Zhou told reporters: "Our company fixed the staff have to add up to a total of more than 100, but we also power leveling just a medium-sized companies, but the business model and large companies power leveling almost." Mr. Zhou told reporters: "in the company's newly established when I was in, and now there are 3 years." According to him, "At that time the company is still relatively small scale, all pre-investment are borne by the owner of a person, the most the beginning of our There are 10 computers in the "World of Warcraft" has just emerging when we launched the power leveling services, then the price is 1-60 grade / 900 yuan, 10 days, including Card, send stepholidine mounts. We set up in the bank account number, contact remittances good players first, and then players have been linked by phone account, within 10 days of delivery. " But Mr. Zhou also said frankly, because there is no mechanism for integrity, so do not live more than a living one day at most, then a week off is the income of 10,000 yuan, so the day was not so easy, but because customers in a good word-of-mouth, how many points are also considered to create brands, the business has done a good point, good week to have a few million. Later, they not only power leveling grade, with the game content development, has also started brush-generation battlefield - Brush "rank", with the rank of the different degree of difficulty, the price is different, high-end top warlord (generalissimo) charges in the 5,000. They are in the main confrontation with the services of both players to organize themselves, commonly known as "Brush teams", and then brush honor at about 3 months will be able to brush up a high-ranking warlord (generalissimo) of No.. "Although 5,000 of the charges is very high, but the absolute value for money." Mr. Zhou said: "There was a player to spend 2 million, let us help him brush the four high-end of its warlord." Studio At that time a very popular business. At that time, studios have also expanded the "production", the boss also purchased 10 computers, a computer 2 individuals, alternating power leveling , on behalf of Brush honor, as well as fight money business. However, as power leveling of "profiteering" has been more and more people are found, is gradually heated up competition, coupled with a series of ones cases so that they can once again the business of studio indifference, or even 10 computer does not boot all day. But soon, the company began in power leveling Taobao power leveling on transactions, to find a number of passengers. And they also expanded the business, started to hit the United States and served for the money. "The U.S. service very valuable coin in the domestic 1 pt / 1 gold, served in the United States is 1 yuan / 1 gold, so we registered a dozen U.S. service account and began serving in the United States for gold transactions." "Now, with the information TBC film the arrival of players to pursue the addition of virtual items, so the business is now very good, although power leveling employees work 12 hours a day, a heavy workload in a very difficult, but each are using performance pay, some people earning more than 3000 this month. "Mr. Zhou said.

Teenage seeking for powerleveling job

Yesterday Ciqikou Chongqing near the door to high-voltage poles posted a "Job Opportunities", referred to as the "studio is determined to" recruit power leveling online games, and wrap and 800-1000 yuan monthly salary. It is understood that the studio rented by a caste men Chen a simple cottage, employing more than 10 young people day and night on behalf of people playing games power leveling . The so-called "determined to studio" is located in the village of Shapingba District of drinking water on the 2nd 2 unit on the 7th floor, 12, a more than 20-year-old man surnamed Chan himself is the person in charge here. Nearby residents that the long-term lease the room there is a group of young people playing the game. Mr. Chen, the studio a total of eight accounts, each account, respectively, by two responsible for day shift work from 9:30 am to 21:30 pm, night shift work from 21:30 pm to 9:30 am. Is now being practiced is the "World of Warcraft", requiring 12 days trained to 20, daily wage, 25. According to one participating in the "partnership" of the person in charge, where they rent games power leveling already 3 months, and never for any industrial and commercial procedures, recruitment of "worker" both adults are still under study minors. Good to do business, the current from a mess he had to Fengdu alone "business." Mr. Chen also said, "no objection as long as the home, age is not a problem." And who has been in the " power leveling studio," Mr. Gao had worked to introduce, on-line games have a special power leveling site, sellers and buyers are trading on the site. Press to open a website which:, found the purchase of "World of Warcraft," the price of 20 is about 500 yuan, is a studio open to the " power leveling workers" wages. Chongqing wilderness law firm Min Rao said that the provision of venues, equipment, in order to profit for the head

gammo works in powerleveling group

Migrant workers new jobs a network of experts power leveling a monthly income of 2,000 yuan game To work without perfunctory Anhui MR L migrant workers did not have a full 24 hours of sleep. Covered with a pair of bloodshot eyes Although tired, but motionless staring at the screen, one hand casually on the waist, supporting physical fatigue, while the other hand the rapid location of a mouse, the entire body was huddled in a chair . He is to "play" is a currently the world's most popular online game World of Warcraft ---. In the game, his identity is a handheld Great Ax, majestic warrior, is working with a great many times larger than his life-and-death struggle for the monster. In order to find this monster, this Mr L only 24 hours to eat a box of warm blisters off instant noodles. This is the new Lee Anhui migrant workers in Shanghai work power leveling member of online games. "First and so no longer speak, is now very dangerous." told reporters he saw his hand on the belt out, in the keyboard on the astonishing skilled operation, put magic, medicine, for equipment, add magic, cumbersome to operate at one go, together with white flash, a monster came in his operation before the fall of the samurai. "I can go home proud of for some time" Mr. L arrived in Shanghai in 2003, made a year in the streets of the small ads, introduced to find work now. "My job is simple upgrade in World of Warcraft, playing equipment, money." Comes to World of Warcraft, Liu fatigue on the disappeared, his eyes sparkle up again, "said a simple no simple beginning, inside turn on one day can not make any money, and later touch the tips on. "said he began to gesticulate with his hands up," more money in some places, some places more than the value of experience, but also in some places can go to the scenery ... ... "Liu told reporters. Now he will line already famous, we all call him online Liu Columbia, a group of people go up there with his team,Mr liu had never felt the sense of achievement. Mr liu such as migrant workers has become a major force in network power leveling members, as in online games, the level the higher the status of the higher, and high-level need to have a lot of time to play a monster, so on the birth of a ---power leveling market network, the role of their own to help upgrade, and in accordance with the level of the reward. Mr.L where the company is located in Baoshan, there are 40 like him Mr.L members, all migrant workers, 20 computer work around the clock, 2 people rest in charge of a computer, usually living in the company next to the house . While wages in the game played in accordance with the money and experience to count, Mr.L told reporters that the beginning of each month will earn 600 yuan, and now more than 2000 diversified income. "The will not even boot, and now the Internet can find a server to download the client, I feel that progress is not small, with those who work on site than the fellow, I can go home proud of the Chinese New Year for some time." Mr.L told reporters .

the power leveling group is not in down town